DoPchoice's SNAPBAGS® & SNAPGRIDS® for the new Litepanels ASTRA IP Family.
SNAPGRID® direct fit
SNAPBAG® direct fit
your SNAP for each SIZE!
The sleek tulip shape, combined with the fixure's flat yoke, enhances maneuverability and affords 30° greater downwards tilt angle.
SNAPSHAPE® for greater tilt down
The new Tulip shape design eliminates the need for skeletal ribs or rods due to its novel parabolic curve architecture combined with DoPchoice's proprietary SNAPSHAPE® material.
ready to go live
in seconds!
Two elastic straps buckle to the rear of the fixture to hold the SNAPBAG® in place. Thanks to their elasticity, they easily stretch to slide on and off for speedy adjustment or release.